Zhang W, Young JI, Gomez L, Schmidt MA, Lukacsovich D, Kunkle BW, Chen X, Martin ER, Wang L* (2025) Blood DNA Methylation Signature for Incident Dementia: Evidence from Longitudinal Cohorts. Alzheimer’s & Dementia In Press (preprint at medRxiv) (code)
Xu C, Xia P, Li J, Lewis KB, Ciombor KK, Wang L, Smith JJ, Beauchamp RD, Chen XS (2024) Discovery and validation of a 10-gene predictive signature for response to adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II and III colon cancer. Cell Reports Medicine 5:8 101661
Media coverages: South FL Hospital News, TechnologyNetworks Cancer Research, Sylvester Cancer Center
Silva TC, Zhang W, Young JI, Gomez L, Schmidt MA, Varma A, Chen XS, Martin ER, Wang L* (2022) Distinct sex-specific DNA methylation differences in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 14:133 (code)
Silva TC, Young JI, Zhang L, Gomez L, Schmidt MA, Varma A, Chen XS, Martin ER, Wang L* (2022) Cross-tissue analysis of blood and brain epigenome-wide association studies in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications 13: 4852 (code)
Silva TC, Young JI, Martin ER, Chen XS, Wang L* (2022) MethReg: estimating the regulatory potential of DNA methylation in gene transcription. Nucleic Acids Research gkac030 (code) (software)
Lehmann BD*, Colaprico A, Silva TC, Chen J, An H, Ban Y, Huang H, Wang L, James JL, Balko JM, Gonzalez-Ericsson PI, Sanders ME, Zhang B, Pietenpol JA, Chen XS* (2021) Multi-omics analysis identifies therapeutic vulnerabilities in triple-negative breast cancer subtypes. Nature Communications 12, 6276. (code)
This paper was among the top 25 most downloaded Nature Communications articles in health sciences published in 2021
Lu M, Sha Y, Silva TC, Colaprico A, Sun X, Ban Y, Wang L, Lehmann BD, Chen XS* (2021) LR Hunting: A Random Forest Based Cell–Cell Interaction Discovery Method for Single-Cell Gene Expression Data. Frontiers in Genetics 12:708835 (code)
Odom JO, Colaprico A, Silva TC, Chen XS, Wang L* (2021) PathwayMultiomics: An R Package for Efficient Integrative Analysis of Multi-Omics Datasets With Matched or Un-matched Samples. Frontiers in Genetics 12: 783713 (code) (software)
Zhang L, Young JI, Gomez L, Silva TC, Schmidt MA, Cai J, Chen X, Martin ER, Wang L* (2021) Sex-specific DNA methylation changes in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 9:77 (code)
Zhang L, Silva TC, Young JI, Gomez L, Schmidt MA, Hamilton-Nelson KL, Kunkle BW, Chen X, Martin ER, Wang L* (2020). Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation differences in prefrontal cortex implicates the immune processes in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications 11, 6114 (code)
Zhang Y, Wang P, Li X, Ning S, Li X*, Cao Y*, Chen XS* (2021) GABC: A Comprehensive Resource and Genome Atlas for Breast Cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 148 (4) 988-994
Colaprico A, Olsen C, Bailey MH, Odom GJ, Terkelsen T, Silva TC, Olsen AV, Cantini L, Zinovyev A, Barillot E, Noushmehr H, Bertoli G, Castiglioni I, Cava C, Bontempi G, Chen XS*, Papaleo E* (2020). Interpreting pathways to discover cancer driver genes with Moonlight. Nature Communications. 11(1):69. (software)
Odom GJ, Ban Y, Colaprico A, Liu L, Silva TC, Sun X, Pico AR, Zhang B, Wang L*, Chen X* (2020) pathwayPCA: an R package for integrative pathway analysis with modern PCA methodology and gene selection. Proteomics. 20(21-22):e1900409 (code) (software)
Gomez L, Odom GJ, Young JI, Martin ER, Liu L, Chen X, Griswold AJ, Gao Z, Zhang L, Wang L* (2019). coMethDMR: accurate identification of co-methylated and differentially methylated regions in epigenome-wide association studies with continuous phenotypes. Nucleic Acids Research. 47(17):e9 (code) (software)
Mallik S, Odom GJ, Gao Z, Gomez L, Chen X*, Wang L* (2019). An evaluation of supervised methods for identifying differentially methylated regions in Illumina methylation arrays. Brief Bioinform. 20(6):2224-35 (code)
Prediction models for personalized disease risk assessment using genomics data
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Methodology and tools for genomics and epi-genomics research
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Integrative analysis of genomics data
Wang L, Chen X, Zhang B (2012) Statistical analysis of patient-specific pathway activities via mixed models. J Biom Biostat S8: 001
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Cancer genomics analysis
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Grieb BC, Chen X, Eischen CM.MTBP is over-expressed in triple negative breast cancer and contribute to its growth and survival. Molecular Cancer Research 2014; 12(9):1216-1224.
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